Thursday, December 31, 2009

sayang,i love u..
juz to tell u i really2 love u..
i dunno y...
but lately,i feel something wrong with me...
sayang..i hope we stay 4ever this way...
always loved u darling

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

to my haters

Great day today!

What the pity me???
i went to pejabat zakat and was not allowed to enter that office just because i don't wear tudong..
its so annoying ok..
whatsoever...i have to sat at the busuk chair with the busuk environment while waiting my dad going upstairs...
suddenly...GOD love me :)
i met my sayang there!
who dunno nona rite??
i borrowed hers and going upstairs..
this is what we called friendship never ends!
my saviour :)
Na'ah...and now i'm in the office of my dad :)
just reading newspaper and downloading songs plus updating my lovely blog
yesterday hangout with my mum...
sweet daughter rite? do jealous ok!!
i dun have the suck cable do upload some photo's of mine in celebrating XMAS,journey to Langkawi and my new clothes,,,
i'm so desperate to buy phone cable and ear phone.....
but...gosh,,i love my money....
people!do not think i'm a stingy ok!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

hi love!

hi love!
firzanah back
when i was small,everyone was said,titanic is the best movie in the world,titanic the best and much more about titanic..i just follow what 'em said...but,since i was grow up,i watch titanic with full of focus...
love,and now i dare to swear to myself,i realy2 love the movie..
wondering how if i have someone special like jack :)
i learn much lesson from that movie...
1st,power of GOD,
2nd,power of love,
3rd,never give up,
4th,some times we cant too give priority to degree...i didn't said it cant but depends on the time..
5th,the responsible of the leader,
6th,money is not everything in life..
7th,watch yourself and u a must if u really wanna know..
oh my gosh!!!!!
this movie really touch...
i dare to said,u can cry if u really feel the movie..
for the second movie that i watch and my tears down to my cheek..
i know it sound so HAHA but u have to watch it!
i wish that i could find someone special like jack dawson
and it really killing me...

talk about result..
i'm satisfied with it..
not so dessapoin me but not so really good..thanx ALLAH...
PMR doesn't mean end of this world..
SPM waiting for me..
promise to myself have to really study hard...
thx 4 those who always support me..
congratulation to all my friend for whatever your result is

Saturday, December 12, 2009

kepade nur izzati shahruddin

ati,aq kat sini xtau nak ckp aq nak ko befikir..
ko xtau ape tjadi..
aq pon xsalahkan ko..
ko fikir la..
mak bapak ialah mak bapak,,
knp kite yg kecik nak masok campo..
bpk ko nak putuskan ubungan silaturahim dgn family aq..
aq x rugi pape ati..
tp,,sebagai umat islam..
ko tanye la kwn2 ko sape2 or ustazah atau ustaz mane2,,ape hukumnye org yg memutuskan hubungan darah daging dan silaturrahim dlm islam?
dan ko jgak tergolong dlm org2 itu..
ko block aq kat myspace, xrugi..
tp ko fker la..bukan smue org yg skrg di atas akan sentiase berade di atas...
aq sedar family sush...kami org tidak mampu..jd cukoplah sebanyak mane yg telah kami di hina..
ko xmarah ke klu org dtg uma ko,waktu nak buke puase,tgah azan,termaki2.terjerit2,dgn tetamu ade..dgn alasan bawak angah ina dtg uma..
alangkan arwah nenek pon ckap ape,,yg dah lepas tu lepas la..
knp sampai nak maki mak aq barua?
sedangkan bpk aq xpnah kcau mak ko,maki mak ko,ganggu mak ko..
klu bapak ko dah penah pesan jgn bagi angah ina dtg umah,knp tidak ko beritahu aq waktu ko nak bukak pintu..
ape pon alasan ko aq tetap akan hormat krane itu rumah ko..
tp,,keadaan lain..xde sape2 pon halang angah ina dan kak fyza utk jejak ke dlm rumah ko...
klu hati aq busuk atau berdendam dgn ko,aq xpanggil ko waktu nak mandikan arwah..
aq xpnah block ko kat mane2..msn,blog,myspace or pape..
tp ko?
klu btol ko igt pesan arwah nenek,ko xwat aq mcm ni ati..
smpai arini walaupon arwah nenek dah xde..walaupun aq jage die xlame,,tp kate2 dan pesananye aq masih igt ati..
nenek pesan pina ati baby jgn gdo2 klu nenek dah xde..same2 tlg ble susah sng..
tp xde la aq nak menyusahkan ko..
ko igt arwah nenek suke ke kite mcm ni?
ko igt tenang ke arwah nenek tgk keadaan kite skrg ni?
klu ko bg aq alasan ko bengang sbb bpk aq dtg uma ko mlm tu..
abis knp ko xnak tanye aq?
bpk aq dtg,then ape bpk ko ckap,ko ni xpaham bahase ke..
mcm tu ke seorg adik bercakap dgn abg die yg tue ati?
tolak bpk aq dlu,bpk aq wat bodo ag...
then cite kat sdare singapore yg ank2 abd din dtg hentam kuarge ko..
ati,xde org nak berpukul,berhentam,berlawan,,
tp knp smpai nak suroh bawak kua parang?knp sampai nak ckp,''klu nak berbunuh,kite mati same mlm ni''
arwah dlm kete..
die mesti dengar kate2 perbualan dan jeritan2 pade mlm itu..
sebelom polis dtg,aq pg pelok nenek..ternyate nenek masih bernafas,,
tp ati..sdeh sgt apebile seorg anak berkate..klu harini ko x anta mak, ko jgn anta smpai bile2..
sewaktu kami ingin angkat nenek,nenek tidak bernafas lg..mgkin nenek terkejot krane seseorg itu ingin agkat kerusi rode utk hentam bpk aq..
mungkin jgak arwah ingin memberhentikan pergaduhan pade mlm itu,,tetapi,dlm keadaan yg lemah ,tidak boleh bersuare,nenek tidak dpt wat ape2..
kami bawak kerte dgn keadaan yg amat laju,,klu nak ikotkan hati ingin langgar smue krete itu demi nyawe nenek..apebile smpai di hospital..kami ke btanye adekah nenek ade sakit jantung..krane arwah meninggal dlm keadaan mengejut..
hati kami tidak busuk,kami cube call rumah ko utk maklumkan arwah nenek sdg nazak stelah 2kali membuat bantuan CPR..tapi tidak berjaye..kami ingin maklumkan pade kuarge ko..
tapi,,korg xnak agkt hp..krane terlalu marah dan ego..
mungkin korg ingt nenek hanye hypo..
sdeh nye seorg ibu yg sdg nazk..
yg mungkin mengharapkan anak2 nye berkumpol utk membace surah yasin utk die..
tp ke mane kah smue ank dan cucu2 yg bertahun2 menjage nenek....
ko dah cukop matang utk berfikir ini smue..
jikalau ko masih bkak page aq,,dan terbace ini..
aq cume ingin samapikan salam aq pade kuarge ko termasok chu dan yg lain2..
krane, stakat ini, aq masih anggap korg sebagai drah daging aq..
tp terpulang klu korg tidak...
aq bersyukur krane aq ialah org terakhir yg dpt bercakap dgn arwah sementare arwah nenek masih bernyawe..
niat kite sgt penting ati.. hati kite jgn busuk dan berdendam
aq bukanlah baik sgt..
keluarga aq mungkin tidak kaye dgn wang ringgit,tp kami tahu berbudi bahase..
dgn nada yg lembut skali lg aq ingin tidak pernah dendam dgn sape2...
aq akan teros update krane aq nak pg keje skrg ini..assalamualaikum..

Friday, December 4, 2009

people..i fall in love with the book of mary kate and ashley olsen...
feeling great.....
tomorrow the office closed..
n i maybe go somewhere...
tomorrow i have to wake up early!
planning to somewhere!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

hello to all!

long time i haven't update my lovely blog..
i'm busy working..
but a bittersweet, i will work til 11december..
continued working at another place after the events end!
perhaps any company need a workers..
how lucky am i as i work here in shah alam!
juz sitting and call people..with the greatest coolest air-cond here!
everyone is adult except me!
i'm juz 15 to the nearest 16..!
i am so shocked when started to realised that i'm gonna sixteen next year!
hoping that i could happy n enjoy to celebrate my sweet sixteen :)
now..people go to shah alam central shopping mall to have lunch..
n i..just sitting in the office to take advantage to update my blog..
very tired of the road..
it so..Zzzzzzzzzz...
morning til the time to back home,the road will be busy like a MCB!!!!
5o'clock get inside the car, 7 pm i reach at home..
the suck road was stuck..
sometimes 2hours++......
and whatsoever,i juz love the salary for 1 day..
can u imagine,u came work at 10 a.m /,til 5p.m,
and juz make a phone call,sitting in the great office with a fresh air of air-cond,
and u get more than the people that are standing at the mall,
selling shoes, clothes, clip, or whatsoever only RM4.5/RM5 per hour..
actually, i enjoy working here,except of the reason of money,
i also lucky to have this experiance in my age..
and, i know there's are less of my friends working like my job..
i mean, only if you are me,than u know u actually learn many things..
OH MY GOSH,they come back,got to go n BRB..