Saturday, August 29, 2009

this one call friend?

is this what u said our friendship is important?
i'm sorry..
i dont think so...
don't u have brain to think?

puasa can die?
puasa cannot do anything?
puasa will crazy?
then i'm gonna tell u..
puasa is puasa..
not bout dies or whatever..
puasa make me feel very thankful to GOD..

u even dont invite me..
at least tell me bout the party..
but that is juz what i'm dreaming...
i'm not angry.
but i juz think our friendship is very weak..
maybe will over soon..
sorry to become rude..
but this is what u ask me for..

i'm thinking our friendship is juz like
''things go better with friendship.."
but i finally found it was wrong..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

what do u think about friends?

million thousand of friend is there when u
>happy and so on..

what happen when u need a help?
>everyone run away..
>everyone not free for you..
>everyone have their own way..
>everyone take it easy even though the things that happening is not easy as they said..

That is FRIEND